A unique Healthy Cooking Seminar was held on May 29th by the Department of Dietetics of Aegean College.
The seminar, coordinated by the renowned Dietitian-Nutritionist, Manos Dimitroulis, Msc (clinical dietitian-Nutritionist Harokopio University, Master of Sports Nutrition, Dietstories), aimed to educate the students of the Faculty.
The successful seminar took place in the workshop of Nutritional Recipes that are available to the students of the course BSc (Hons) Dietetics (Applied) at 3 Veranzerou Street in the heart of Athens.
For the vast majority of the world the word diet means oppression and monotonous diet.
Manos Dimitroulis is overturning this erroneous mentality by producing delectable and healthy low calorie dishes: pies, burgers, fajitas, curry, tacos, cake, ice cream, pancakes, puddings and other treats that can fit into a balanced healthy diet program!
In the framework of this seminar, Manos Dimitroulis concocted quick, healthy, but tasty recipes, proving that a healthy diet can also be very delicious.
In particular, participants prepared green beans, homemade chicken gyros, tacos with guacamole and soy mince, brownies from chickpeas and ice cream from bananas and peanut butter.
Participants were excited for both the speed and ease of the preparation and taste!